
The lesson of life I unlearnt during COVID Times

3 months ago, when the year had just started, I was beaming with optimism as it was the beginning of a new decade. But it took just 1 virus to pull things down, & down, & down… And that too at a global level.

And I am not talking about the economic loss, not even for a moment. That I am sure corporate and nations will recover. But the irrecoverable loss of lives that concerns me and the dent the incident has made on lives of people, directly or indirectly. Whom do we blame? A nation? A failed project (if it was)? Or all of us humans? I feel the reason is the imbalance in nature we have created. Which has resulted in a situation that we have to start distancing from our most dear ones, to stay safe and to keep them safe.

These days I feel really sorry for the kids who are forced to spend time indoor during these non-war, non-natural calamity, yet lock-down times. Because as a child I learnt we human are ‘Social Animals’ and must engage with another human to feel good and alive. My children are learning human must maintain ‘Social Distance’ just to survive.

This is not the earth & the environment my parents gave me during my growing years as what people of my generation have given to the growing generations now.

More than any other time this is the time I want to wholeheartedly THANK my parents and people from previous generations for providing us with an earth that was still able to fight for misdeeds of Human. And APOLOGIZE to next generation for messing things up so badly.

I hope we, the people, the government and the world wake up to the fact that it is not wars, or accidents or cyclone like calamities which can cause mass destruction. BUT IT IS OUR ACTS.

I hope we get it straight going forward.