
Reach RailTel Broadband Users Nationwide

Connect Your Brand with Millions Across India's Railway Network


Are you wondering how to make your brand reach millions of people across every city and state in India? Look no further! Our extensive advertising platform is now specifically designed to help you effectively reach RailTel Broadband users nationwide, making it easier than ever to connect your brand with Bharat.

Through Doodlezz's partnership with Nure Bharat Network (NBN), we enable your brand to connect with 1.8 million people daily across 6,109+ railway stations managed by RailTel. In addition, this platform offers advanced features such as location-specific targeting & multilingual capabilities. So, you can now tailor your campaigns to specific regions and also ensure that your message resonates with diverse audiences across the country.

With our comprehensive services and expertise in integrated marketing strategies, we empower brands to achieve their marketing goals. Our team is here to help you connect with Bharat and beyond.
